

Visit of Ambassador Di Luca to His Excellency Archbishop David

Ambassador Alberto Di Luca visited His Excellency Archbishop Dominique-Marie David at the Archdiocese headquarters. The meeting took place in a cordial and collaborative atmosphere and represented an important opportunity to discuss topics of common interest.


Update on the Charity Dinner: a triumph of solidarity and generosity! 

Less than a month after the Charity Dinner organized in Milan on 27th November by the Embassy of the Sovereign Order of Malta in the Principality of Monaco, we are pleased to share with you an extraordinary result that celebrates the generosity and solidarity of our donors and sponsors of this initiative.


Ceremony of Bestowal of Distinctions of the Order of Merito Melitense at the Hôtel Hermitage to Distinguished Personalities of the Principality of Monaco.

Dans le cadre prestigieux de l’Hôtel Hermitage, une cérémonie solennelle a eu lieu pour la remise des distinctions de l’Ordre du Merito Melitensi. Les décorations, conférées par Son Altesse Éminentissime le Prince et Grand Maître Fra’ John T. Dunlap et le Conseil Souverain de l’Ordre de Malte lors de la séance du 20 juin 2024, ont été attribuées à des personnalités éminentes de la Principauté de Monaco.


Online auction for Holy Land Emergency

The Embassy of the Sovereign Order of Malta to the Principality of Monaco is organising a Charity Dinner in Milan in aid of the populations in the Holy Land and in favour of the Holy Family Hospital in Bethlehem run by the Order of Malta.



The Embassy of the Sovereign Order of Malta in the Principality of Monaco has launched a project to help rekindle hope for thousands of people in the Holy Land: Sidon in Lebanon, Bethlehem and Gaza in Palestine, Jerusalem in Israel.



Today, in the emblematic seat of the Magistral Villa in Rome, the ceremony of "return" of the flag and the presentation of the Merito Melitense's Honorary Distinctions to Colonel Walter Villadei and the leaders of the Italian Air Force took place.


HOLY LAND EMERGENCY: provide direct humanitarian assistance to the local population in distress

The Embassy of the Sovereign Order of Malta to the Principality of Monaco intends to launch a new project to contribute to the rebirth of hope for thousands of people in the Holy Land.