Latest Embassy News


With the support of the Holy Family Hospital in Bethlehem, the “Holy Land Emergency 2024” project is taking a new step in solidarity. 

A concrete gesture of solidarity for the Holy Land.The Embassy of the Sovereign Order of Malta to the Principality of Monaco is pleased to share the important milestone reached by the project "Holy Land Emergency 2024", promoted by the Order of Malta under the patronage of the Latin Patriarchate of Jerusalem. This initiative which was born to bring aid to the communities of Gaza, Lebanon and Bethlehem, has seen a great mobilization of generosity and support from Monegasque, Italian and French donors, as well as the valuable contribution of sponsors.


Feast of Sainte Dévote: Patron of the Principality of Monaco

In Corsica, at the beginning of the 4th century, the Roman emperor Diocletian ordered a violent persecution against the Christians. Among the victims was a young Christian woman, Dévote, who was arrested, imprisoned, and tortured. She died without ever renouncing her faith. After her death, the governor ordered to burn her body, but some Christians managed to save it and placed it on a boat bound for Africa, where she could receive a proper Christian burial.


The Embassy of the Order of Malta mourns the passing of State Minister Didier Guillaume

The Embassy of the Sovereign Order of Malta to the Principality of Monaco expresses its deep sorrow over the sudden passing of H.E. Didier Guillaume, State Minister of Monaco, which occurred on Friday, January 17. Despite serving only four months in office, H.E. Minister Guillaume left an indelible mark on the Principality through his extraordinary dedication, his commitment, and his ability to earn the respect and affection of all.

International news


Order of Malta at Munich Security Conference with high level event on Lebanon’s path to stability and peace

‘Cairos or Crisis? Unwinding Lebanon’s Path to Stability and Peace’ is the title and theme of the high-level side event organized by the Sovereign Order of Malta within the 61st…


Order of Malta Grand Master at Saving Sight Banquet of St John of Jerusalem Eye Hospital Group

The Grand Master of the Sovereign Order of Malta, Fra’ John Dunlap, participated in the Saving Sight Banquet, a charity event organized by the St John of Jerusalem Eye Hospital…


Insignia of Bailiff Grand Cross of Honour and Devotion conferred on Cardinal Robert Francis Prevost

Today, Tuesday 11 February in the Magistral Chapel, the Grand Master Fra’ John Dunlap, has admitted to the Sovereign Order of Malta, with dignity and rank of Bailiff Grand Cross…