Monaco, 31st January 2025
A concrete gesture of solidarity for the Holy Land.The Embassy of the Sovereign Order of Malta to the Principality of Monaco is pleased to share the important milestone reached by the project “Holy Land Emergency 2024“, promoted by the Order of Malta under the patronage of the Latin Patriarchate of Jerusalem. This initiative which was born to bring aid to the communities of Gaza, Lebanon and Bethlehem, has seen a great mobilization of generosity and support from Monegasque, Italian and French donors, as well as the valuable contribution of sponsors.
From October to January, 222.553 euros were raised, a sum that represents an even greater value thanks to the full coverage of the costs, incurred by the sponsors, of organizing the Charity Dinner on 27th November and all the costs. This allowed all profits to be allocated directly to the “Holy Land Emergency” project, ensuring that every donation translates into concrete help for those who need it most. In addition to the donations collected at the Charity Dinner, the proceeds from the charity auction were allocated to two high-impact initiatives: the “Make a WISH – Un hiver au chaud” project in Lebanon, which provides essential support to the most vulnerable during the winter, and – with the transfer made today – support for the Holy Family Hospital in Bethlehem, a fundamental reference point for maternal and child health in the region.
This goal is not a point of arrival, but a further step on a path of solidarity that will continue over time. To all those who have contributed to this mission of help and proximity, we would like to express our most sincere thanks to you.
The Holy Family Hospital in Bethlehem: a shelter of life and hope Run by the Sovereign Order of Malta in Palestine, the Holy Family Hospital represents a key point of reference for maternity in the region, providing excellent care to mothers and their children. Since 1990, this structure has seen the birth of more than 100.000 children, contributing with dedication and competence to maternal and child health. Today, the hospital hosts about 60% of the entire Bethlehem district, with a neonatal survival rate close to 100%. It is the only hospital in the region able to care of premature births before 32 weeks of gestation, guaranteeing highly specialized assistance to the most complex cases. Every day, medical and obstetric staff are tirelessly committed to preserving the lives of every mother and newborn, often in critical situations. Currently, about 9% of newborns require neonatal intensive care, underscoring the importance of this facility to the community. In a context where there is no national health system, the Order of Malta covers the entire costs of running the hospital, ensuring that access to care is never compromised by economic difficulties. A contribution is requested from patients, proportionate to their possibilities, with a careful assessment of their socio-economic situation. For those who are in situations of serious hardship, expenses are reduced or completely cancelled, so that no mother is left alone at the most difficult time of life.
Thanks to the generosity of the participants in the “Holy Land Emergency” Dinner, held on 27th November, another significant part of the donations collected – 26.500 euros – is now going to the hospital, making a concrete contribution to the continuation of this mission of care and hospitality.
The Holy Family Hospital is not only a health facility: it is a place of hope, where every day the commitment to protect and accompany life from its first moments is renewed.
The hospital: numbers that speak of care and dedication.
172 highly qualified professionals;
More than 100.000 births since February 1990;
Infant mortality rate below 1%;
Over 30.000 outpatient visits and examinations per year.
Step by step, in the service of health and hope:
1985: the Order of Malta inaugurates a maternity wing with 28 beds.
1990: the first baby is born in this new structure.
2001: the hospital acquires a mobile clinic to reach patients in the most remote areas; the outpatient clinic was also expanded.
2010: a new diabetology clinic, specializing in gestational diabetes, with free assistance, is inaugurated.
2013: thanks to a donation from the Belgian Government, a new paediatric and neonatal care unit is created for the population of the villages around Bethlehem.
2015: work begins on the expansion of surgical and administrative buildings.
2018: the mobile clinic provides more than 4.000 medical consultations to mothers and children in the villages around Bethlehem.
2024: the hospital receives a prestigious award from the P.A.M. (Parliamentary Assembly of the Mediterranean) in recognition of its humanitarian activities (
It is with deep gratitude that we would like to express our sincere thanks to Malteser International, our rescue agency, which has ensured, with dedication and reliability, the logistics and delivery of aid to the Holy Land. Their tireless commitment has played a fundamental role in the success of this mission. Many thanks also goes to Father Gabriel, parish priest of the Catholic Church of the Holy Family in Gaza, for his generous availability to distribute aid directly to those who needed it most. His presence on the ground, his spirit of service and his dedication were a beacon of hope for many. Special thanks also to the Association of the Order of Malta in Lebanon, for the valuable collaboration and constant support that has allowed us to carry out this initiative more effectively.
Finally, we extend our most sincere thanks to all those who, in different ways, made this mission of solidarity possible. Their commitment has not only made a difference in the lives of many people, but it has also nurtured in each of us a common sense of pride, an awareness of being part of a network of help and a hope that transcends borders and difficulties. Without everyone’s contribution, none of this would have been possible.
Thank you very much.